Hi, The Tarotscope is on hiatus and will be back next month, December 2024. In the meantime, please remember, “In a world where you can be anything, Be Kind.”
Read MoreParis is always a good idea! What a great quote! And to those of you who are hesitating, here’s another profound quote/question– “If not now, when?” Let your heart’s response...
Read MoreJoin us as we sail the Nile River, the life blood of Egypt. As it courses through the land, it’s path represents the Chakra system– our spiritual power points, and...
Read MoreAnother fine day in Paris! (Actually, if it’s Paris, regardless of the weather, it’s always a fine day.) I’m with my friend, Jan, who is here on her first visit....
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I help you make your dreams come true!

Custom charms & enchantments (spell casting)
Are you wanting powerful help in achieving your goals? The people who request my Custom Charm or Enchantment services are committed to having and enjoying the life they want, i.e., relationships, career, finances, wishes. A personal Custom Charm or Enchantment is the gathering up and aligning of your desire energy for the person, object, or wish you want with the energy of that desired person, object, or wish. I act as a “matchmaker”, nurturing and bringing the energies together in such a way that a successful outcome can be achieved.
As a natural Intuitive with lifetimes of experience and the author of the book on Custom Charms and Enchantments, “Secrets of a Psychic Counselor”, I am well versed in the art of creating potent Custom Charms and Enchantments that assist my clients in attaining their heart’s desires.
Your personal Custom Charm or Enchantment includes a specifically designed meditation, exercises to help bring about your heart’s desire, and a specially blended Essential Oil.
***Charms and Enchantments are NOT hex’s or curse’s, which are negative and meant to harm. I only create Custom Charms and Enchantments that add to the joy and quality of life.
If you are interested in living the life you want, and want my help in doing so, please contact me for more information and to book your appointment.

KARMA CLEARING What is it you want to do? Are old memories, fears, beliefs, or worries clutching at your hopes and dreams and holding you back? Is it all sometimes just too much? How would you like a “clean slate”– a fresh new start– unburdened by and cleared of the ramifications of your past actions, emotions, and problems of this life and past lives?
My KARMA CLEARING process offers you just that– it helps you understand the reasons for the difficulties you’ve experienced as it clears negative past karma. It offers you the means to take charge of your fate as it provides the elusive key that unlocks the cell door of the endless loop of karmic reckoning. In order to be successful, the Karma Clearing process requires you to fully commit to it. It clears out and washes away the old reasons for the things/people that have impacted you. You then have to do the follow-up work of consciously re-training your emotional/mental “muscles” so that you don’t reflexively react to what is no longer karmically controlling you, your emotions, and/or your actions.
The KARMA CLEARING process is completed in two (2) 1-hour sessions with one (1) follow-up session (a total of three (3) sessions). It includes a copy of your Astrology chart and information on your Life’s Purpose and the meaning of your soul’s progression through your lives, plus a specially blended Essential Oil. Please contact me for further information and to book your appointment and for this invaluable service.
I help you make your dreams come true!

To work to make that a possibility is my passion.

SPECIFICALLY TAILORED GUIDED MEDITATIONS FOR YOU & YOUR QUEST— A GUIDED MEDITATION focuses your attention and energy on a specific idea so that you can empower it with the magnetic energy of your subconscious mind. The more focused your guided meditation, the more likely you are to attract the things you want.
There is a creation mechanism in each of us and your SPECIFICALLY TAILORED GUIDED MEDITATION will activate it as it magnetizes, translates, and manifests your thoughts, feelings, and desires into the material realm. The only requirement is that you listen to your Guided Meditation on a consistent basis with the willingness to have and make room for what you are asking for and follow the intuitive prompts generated by your Guided Meditation. Included are your Guided Meditation as an mp3 or CD and a printed copy along with a Charm and a specially blended Essential Oil.
Please contact me for further information and to book your appointment.

LIFE MENTORING – Everyone needs a great Life Mentor at some point on their journey. A Life Mentor is a Life Coach, a cheerleader, a teacher, a role model, an advisor, a guide. They believe in you more than you believe in yourself. They can see your true potential and know what’s possible for you. They know you’re capable of reaching your goals. Their belief will ignite your own inner self-belief and help motivate you toward success. I am that Life Mentor!
- Picking the right Life Mentor is essential
- Everyone can be mentored and everyone can benefit from Life Mentoring
- Life Mentoring is recognized as the most effective way to accomplish your goals
You need a Life Mentor if:
- you want to turn your knowledge, hopes, wishes, and dreams into your success story
- you want a role model– an experienced, wise, supportive guide to learn from
- you want to make profitable, effective, long-lasting changes in any area of your life
- you want to move to the next level and need help in navigating the path
- you want empowering support, encouraging inspiration, and increased motivation
- you’re feeling stuck, in the middle of a challenge, or in need of change and guidance
If you are interested in living the life you want, and want my help in doing so, please contact me for more information and to book your appointment.

Contact Sheilaa