Extremes! The weather, belief systems, actions and attitudes. The best way to navigate these wild times is to stay centered and be open to acknowledging that as crazy as everything is, it is all moving in exactly the right manner. We, our world, and everything in it are changing, evolving and many of us are using the default system of resistance to anything new. The default system isn’t working—thank God! All of the energy being wasted can be put to positive, creative use as we move, evolve into our new way of being. Oh, and just to keep us paying attention, Mercury will be retrograde from June 26th until July 20th. Since Mercury rules communication, transportation and contracts, when it’s retrograde, all manner of mistakes and misunderstandings can occur. If you can, hold off on buying (or leasing) any big ticket items. It’s also a good idea to triple check any and all plans you make. This is an excellent time for introspection and research, as those things that are usually hidden from view, show themselves more easily during a Mercury Retrograde period. Wait until Mercury goes direct before making any big decisions.
THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) You, The Magician and The World are on the front lines of change, transformation and releasing the old to make way for the new. You didn’t get to vote on whether or not you wanted to participate—you were drafted. You have an option, though. You can resist and fight the coming change or you can band together and lead the charge as we all march into a future whose time has come. You’re more powerful than you think, so put your fierce energy into gear and release that which is no longer life/love affirming.
THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20) What are you craving these days? You’re in a very fertile space, now, growing something new and more reflective of who you really are. Like all expectant mothers, indulge those nurturing cravings and allow yourself to be ‘waited on’ by the world around you—you’re gestating important new works.
THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20) Use the first twenty-six days of this month to get your ducks in a row. Mercury, your ruling planet, will go retrograde on June 26th, effectively throwing a monkey wrench into most of your plans. Use the three weeks of enforced ‘down time’ to reflect on your goals and create a strategy that you can use to bring your goals to successful completion once Mercury goes direct on July 20th.
THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20) This is a time to be daring. Not out in the world, though; within yourself is where you’ll benefit most from exercising emotional courage. A lot of ‘old’ will be coming up for you. Look it in the eyes and free yourself from it by acknowledging that the past is in the past. Allow that you have the right and the responsibility to live your life out loud and then—do it!
THE SUN (July 21 – August 22) As wild as it may seem, it’s time for you to lie low. You’ve been expending a lot of energy and you need to take time to recharge. Enjoy the lazy days of Summer by just being. Observe life and store up your energy for the next few months. The upcoming Fall season will be your time to rule—take it easy now and you’ll be ready for it.
THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22) Your message is similar to The Lovers. Use the first twenty-six days of this month to get your ducks in a row. Mercury, your ruling planet, will go retrograde on June 26th, effectively making a mess of your neatly ordered plans. Use the three weeks of enforced ‘down time’ to reflect on your goals and create a strategy that you can use to bring your goals to successful completion once Mercury goes direct on July 20th.
JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) Remember the old saying, “You’re known by the company you keep?” Well, the company is going to be pretty wild for a while and you’re going to get plenty of chances to quickly choose who you’re going to play with. This exercise of seeming recklessness will be good for you; it’ll help you learn to trust yourself as you cease the habit of unproductive vacillation.
THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) Your message is linked with The Emperor’s message this month– You, The Magician and The World are on the front lines of change, transformation and releasing the old to make way for the new. You didn’t get to vote on whether or not you wanted to participate—you were drafted. You have an option, though. You can resist and fight the coming change or you can band together and lead the charge as we all march into a future whose time has come. You’re more powerful than you think, so put your fierce energy into gear and release that which is no longer life/love affirming. Do—keep in mind your advice from last month— you must become the power force you were meant to be, in your personal life as well as in your public life. You can’t hide your light under a bushel basket any longer. Get yourself a Life Coach and get on with fulfilling your destiny.
THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) OK. Just a few more weeks of ‘rolling along smoothly’ and you’ll be ready and able to call the tune you like and dance to it, as well. Be patient and make note of what you want to do, who you want to meet and where you want to go when this quiet time is over. That way, be it a parade or a party, you’ll be ready for it when it happens.
THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) Your message is linked with The Emperor’s message this month– You, The Magician and The World are on the front lines of change, transformation and releasing the old to make way for the new. You didn’t get to vote on whether or not you wanted to participate—you were drafted. You have an option, though. You can resist and fight the coming change or you can band together and lead the charge as we all march into a future whose time has come. You’re more powerful than you think, so put your fierce energy into gear and release that which is no longer life/love affirming. Do—keep in mind your advice from last month—Keep moving in the direction of your dreams—the Universe is your ally.
THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) Life is a roller coaster right now; just make sure you’re securely strapped in and enjoy the ride! In other words, these are interesting and unpredictable times; be interesting and unpredictable in them. Learn to live in the moment and approach life with your hands open—you never know what you’ll get and you won’t be stuck with something you don’t want or can’t use.
THE MOON (February 20 – March 20) Ahh—rest, think, dream—then, do and become! Your role models this month are the cast of characters in Lewis Carroll’s, ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.’ Spend a few minutes each day practicing perceiving life from the perspective of a main character and you’ll see your path clearly unfold before you. New people bearing gifts of wisdom will come into your life.