May 2012 Tarotscope

The May flowers that were encouraged by those oft spoken of April showers will begin blooming this month.  The flowers are both literal and metaphorical.  What kind of garden are you growing? How do you plan to tend it?  What we do now sets the stage for the most prolific season in our lives.  Match your intentions to your actions and make them count as you plan for and work toward the most bountiful harvest, ever.   


THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) This is an emotionally charged month for you.  It’s important for you to keep a firm grip on your emotions.  Pay special attention to the people in your social circle and ask yourself this question, “Are they supporting me in being my personal best or are they enabling me in being stuck in old patterns?”  Whatever your circumstances are, be honest with yourself and take appropriate action.     

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20)  You, THE HERMIT and THE WORLD are all sharing in a celestial ‘pot of gold’ this month.  As dramatic as it sounds, the forces of the Universe are backing you 100%.  Now is the time to go for it!  Ask for what you want and take the necessary steps to attract it to you.  Unexpected help is there for you and will assist you if you call on it.

THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20)  Remember the cautionary tale of the industrious ant and the frivolous grasshopper?  Well, in your case, the results are reversed.  Be frivolous, play, indulge yourself.  You’ve become far too serious lately and it’s stifling your spot-on perception.  Give yourself permission to see the world and your place in it from a new perspective—one of wonder and awe.    

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20)  Emotional courage is called for this month.  What is ‘emotional courage?’  It’s the courage it takes to take your stand and live your life out loud, despite what anyone else might have to say about it.  You’ve been playing it safe and now you must balance the scales as you step out and show up in your world.  Wear red.

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22)  This is the month to ground yourself by sinking your hands into the earth and working in your garden.  The very basic elements of life are nurtured in and come from the healthy soil that sustains and supports you.  Reconnect with it and learn how much you’ve grown.  If you don’t have a garden, buy a small potted plant and help it to grow to fruition.  You’ll be helping yourself grow, as well. 

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22)  You, THE EMPRESS and THE WORLD are all sharing in a celestial ‘pot of gold’ this month.  It’s true, the forces of the Universe really are backing you 100%, so decide what you want and go for it!  You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how things unfold.  Unexpected help is there for you and will assist you if you call on it.

 JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) This is a good time to go within and seek a conscious connection to your own inner truth.  As the natural world opens up and displays its gifts of abundance fecundity, the parts of you that have lain dormant are also awakening.  As you consciously connect with your inner guidance, you’ll access that sense of peace and calmness that your soul has been craving.           

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21)  Metaphorically speaking, your new best friends are THE EMPRESS, THE HERMIT and THE WORLD.  The type of energy they share this month is also available to you.  Unlike them, though, you will have to work a bit to make things happen.  Careful planning and methodical execution will profitably produce results you’ll love.   

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) Your mission, should you choose to accept it—be sociable.  It’s time for you to wake up your complacent social life by discovering new people, projects and possibilities.  Yes, if you just sit there something will fall into your lap, it always does. But if you go out and shake new trees, you’ll have access to delicious, new fruit.  

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) You, THE EMPRESS and THE HERMIT are all sharing in a celestial ‘pot of gold’ this month.  The successes you achieved in April will continue to pay off in boatloads of good fortune, great connections and generous opportunities.  Remember, the forces of the Universe are backing you 100%, so definitely go for what you want and take the necessary steps to attract it to you.  Unexpected help is there for you and will assist you if you call on it.  Be happy, be grateful, be industrious.

THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) Brilliance and insightfulness are your two new companions.  The best way to allow them to help you is to be open and aware of what is going on in the world around you.  There is a pattern to everything and the natural connections will amaze and enlighten you.  Stay this course and people will call you a visionary.             

THE MOON (February 20 – March 20)  This month things are the opposite of what they usually are.  Don’t just go by what you intuit; back it up with facts and figures.  You’ll attract substantial help and compliance from the Universe if you take this unusual path.  You’ll also walk a mile in the rest of the world’s moccasins, enabling you to compassionately know how the rest of the world operates.