Your Four Pictorial Muse Images

Your Four Pictorial Muse Images

Going counter clockwise, the image that represents Stage 1 is the top left image. The image that represents Stage 2 is the top right image. The image that represents Stage 3 is below the Stage 2 image and the image that represents Stage 4 is to the left of the Stage 3 image. Write the word that appears with each image in your journal. Write your impression of each word and its accompanying image and what thoughts and/or feelings come up for you when you look at it. Each of the four images and words that have come up for you identifies the key energy that resonates for you in that particular phase of the manifestation process. In each stage of the process, the image and word you’ve chosen for it will act as a prompt for your psyche, allowing you to access and utilize the important knowledge hidden in your subconscious mind.

1-img-joyClick here to go to Your Daily Pictorial Muse Image