A few days ago, I returned from leading a phenomenal group of souls on a Grand Reunion Odyssey in Egypt. It was powerfully unique and I’ve never experienced anything like it. We were all at the same time here in the 21st century and fully realized in a time thousands of years ago.
I’ll begin with a bit of a back story. Though Egypt had once been on my list of hip things to do many years ago, I’d “gotten over it” and though I was still intrigued by the thought of Egypt, I no longer had the desire to travel there. Fast forward to one day in April of ’21 when I was told in a 12&1/2-hour period by two people who have no knowledge of each other that I’d be going and who I was to contact to make it happen.
Experience has taught me that when that type of instruction comes in, I need to listen and comply. Which I did. So, in December of ’21, I went to Egypt, completing an eleven + day journey back in time in only 5 days. On my arrival, I met my sister, Rina (who was disguised as my guide), and at my departure, I met my brother, Mahmoud (who posed as my airport departure escort).
In that 5-day period and between meeting those two people, I traveled all over Egypt, visited many familiar temples, met with holy men, had a life-changing audience with the goddess, Sekhmet, was anointed by her high priest, downloaded messages and the itinerary for what was to become the December ’22 Egyptian Odyssey from the goddesses and gods at their altars, knew soul recognition and unconditional love and acceptance, and experienced in real time what it’s like to live life without the restrictions of time, mortality, and physical limitations.
Once back in the States, I worked for a year with phenomenal travel agents on the physical structure and with Rina on the physical and spiritual content of the Egyptian Odyssey – The Grand Reunion.
I created the brochure, sent it out, and one-by-one, those who heeded the call, signed on. Finally, the day arrived and we all met in Cairo to partake of the adventure we’d waited so many lifetimes for. Though almost everyone was a stranger to each other, immediately after meeting, the soul recognitions began to take place and we recognized who we were to each other, past and present, and why we were with each other now. (One person hurt her back badly and couldn’t join us in person. We could feel her energy and knew we were to include her in our prayers at each of the temples we visited.)
I’d hurt my back, too, just enough to make life difficult while getting ready for the Odyssey, which made traveling more of an ordeal and I arrived in Cairo, tired, listless, and in pain, a day before the Odyssey was to begin. My brother, Mahmoud, who had seen me off a year before, met me at the airport and was very concerned as he escorted me through customs and immigration, and made sure I was settled at my hotel.
Arriving early gave me a chance to meet with Rina and go over the plans for the Odyssey. The next day, pain-free and feeling rested, I met Rina (and her husband, Sharif) in the hotel lobby and the “reality” of having spent a year apart vanished and all that was left was the power of the moment. We ran into each other’s arms and I’d never felt more unconditionally loved and loving. Feeling unconditionally loved and loving– this was to be a recurring theme and energy of the Odyssey.
They took me to lunch at Sharif’s favorite Cairo restaurant and there, I discovered that unconditional love and soul memories can be reawakened by food, too. If Egypt was trying to tell me it was happy to see me again, it was doing a very good job!
After lunch, Sharif dropped us off at the hotel and I held my right hand out and said, “I know we just met…” Without hesitation, he opened his arms and gave me a big hug! (Egypt is a conservative and Muslim country and hugging a woman or man you don’t know well just isn’t done.) With that, I knew he was happy I was in Rina’s life. Rina later told me that Sharif doesn’t hug her other friends unless he’s known them a long time.
Later that night, I was waiting in the lobby for my friend, Doreene, to arrive. Mahmoud was her airport escort and as soon as we saw each other, I told him, “I’m feeling so much better now, I just needed to get some rest.” He said, “I was so worried about you!”, as he threw his arms around me and gave me a big hug! I assured him I was back to my old self and thanked him for bringing Doreene to the hotel.
Doreene’s room wouldn’t be ready until later the next day so she was staying in my room her first night in Cairo. The hour was late and we were both tired and expected to sleep until the next morning. But that didn’t happen. It’d been years since she and I had spent time together and we wound up catching up on each other’s lives. As the sun came up, I showed her my view of the pyramids from my balcony and she was beyond suitably awed. (Seeing the pyramids in person is a sight that never gets old!)
After breakfast, her room was ready and she went on her own personal exploration of Cairo while Rina and I met again and ran a few important errands. Upon our return to the hotel, several more of the Odyssey-ites had just arrived and were waiting in the lobby to be checked into their rooms. Although we’d all met on Zoom, this was the first time many of us were meeting in person and noisy, joyous introductions abounded as we greeted each other.
After dinner that night, all eighteen of us met in one of the hotel’s conference rooms and Rina and I went over the itinerary and explained how the Odyssey would go. I had each person choose their Odyssey quotes, their journals, and a few other Egyptian Odyssey talismans. During the meeting, each person introduced themselves and told us why they’d come along on the Egyptian Odyssey.
Interestingly enough, three of the people on the Odyssey were named Jennifer! How does that happen!? One of the other Odyssey-ites, Damla, who is from Turkey told us that it’s a Turkish custom that whenever two people have the same name, you can stand between them and make a wish! Someone else pointed out that with three Jennifer’s, they too, could avail themselves of the benefits of that powerful wish-making custom.
We then did a brief round-table reading for everyone present using my treasured Clive Barrett’s Ancient Egyptian Tarot deck. It was amazing to see how all of the quotes and Tarot cards matched their stated reasons for being there.
At the end of the meeting, we said our good night’s, retired to our rooms, and prepared for the next day’s adventures of pyramids, Sphinxes, camel rides, past life recognitions, and more!