October 2012 Tarotscope

As of October 5th, the Planet of great lessons, responsibility and success, Saturn, is in the astrological sign, Scorpio.  It’ll be in Scorpio for two and a half years.  What does this mean to you?  Whatever is hidden, suppressed, denied or overlooked must and will be brought into the light of day– your consciousness.   This is a time when your personal power will be at its most potent, and you will have direct, passionate, creative experiences that identify and define your soul’s purpose and path.  It won’t be all hard work, though– there’ll be a lot of opportunities for partying, sampling the ‘lush life’ and indulging yourself, too.        

THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20)   You’re in the driver’s seat, now, and your navigator is your intuition.  Only trusting the facts won’t serve you at this time.  Although, the “facts” show you one picture, things are not what they seem.  What you think is right and what you know in your heart are two different things.  You must rely on your intuitive sense for guidance– nothing else will do.

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20)  Your creativity and luck are at an all-time high.  People are willing to assist you as you march toward your quest– all you have to do is ask.  Remember to stay focused and listen to your intuition.  If you allow yourself to be guided by that powerful inner voice, you can’t fail.  Your key phrase is “Ask and it shall be given.”

THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20)  Perspective is important, now– do you see the glass as half full or half empty?  Yes, there are delays and there have been set-backs, but there are reasons for them.  The purpose of the delay is 2-fold, (1) to strengthen your faith and patience, and (2) to create a solid, long lasting and supportive foundation for you and your future endeavors.  Continue doing what you’re doing– it’s working. 

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20)   There’s an angel on each of your shoulders now.  One represents the possibilities of the future and the other represents the fears of the past.  Which one are you giving your power to?  Whatever you focus your energy on in the present determines your future.  Take stock of your progress and commit to seeing your vision through to the end.  Not only will you achieve the success you desire you will grow and benefit in ways you never expected. 

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22)  Your natural skills of pleasant, patient persistence are your allies now. By working with them, you can “outwait” any storm or obstacle. As things settle down, remember that successful creativity, beauty and profit are often born of chaos (and good planning). Things are on the upswing for you as you enter an entirely new cycle.

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22)  Hmm– do you do what you’ve always done (therefore, getting what you’ve always gotten) or do you dare to trust your vision and follow it to a successful conclusion.  Commit to your vision, take courage and allow yourself to experience a new level of transformation, power, and success.

JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) Saturn, the task-master, has left your sign– throw yourself a big party!  Whatever you’ve put your energy into in the last two and a half years is coming to fruition.  Because of your commitment, the Universe is giving you powerful help.  Take this time to review and do some fine-tuning.  Remember to be receptive, grateful and gracious.

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) Saturn has entered your sign and you have just begun an important, life changing two and a half year journey.  This important cycle in your life only happens every 28 years for you.  You must be willing to see things as they are and not as you imagined them to be if you want to transform gracefully and profitably.  You will profit from the insights you gain about yourself, your life and the people in it.  Your key phrase is “I Operate with Compassion and Gracious Honesty.”

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) Though your specialty is luck, this is a time to assist your luck with research and preparation.  If you want to have what you want, you must be willing to build the road that allows it to come to you.  Divine Flow does have a plan and by doing the ‘leg work,’ listening to your intuition, asking for and accepting guidance, you will have something wonderful to celebrate.

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19)Keep feet on the ground’, ‘Listen to intuition’, ‘Focus’, ‘Take correct action now’, ‘Have faith’.  Those are timeless cosmic instructions and they still have validity, especially to you at this time.  Follow these simple instructions and you’ll see the bountiful manifestation process unfold before you.  You are creating what you want and you are aligning yourself with the secret of manifestation.  Very potent and powerful! 

THE STAR (January 20 – February 19)  Stand in the ‘center’ of what you have created and take stock of your situation. You are your greatest asset and the best person to decide the course of your destiny. Rely on your intuitive sense for guidance and you will not fail.  An old acquaintance will make a brief appearance in your life—you can accept their offer of help without guilt or obligation. 

 THE MOON (February 20 – March 20)  You are an expert at caring for others, but what about taking good care of yourself?  It’s time for you to use your well-developed expertise for yourself.  You can no longer hide your light by helping others.  Make your own dreams come true by making courage and action your partners as you set off on creating the adventure of your life.