Join us as we sail the Nile River, the life blood of Egypt. As it courses through the land, it’s path represents the Chakra system– our spiritual power points, and Egypt itself represents the body– our physicality. Like the Chakra system, it travels upward from its base in the south to its pinnacle in the north, increasing in strength, clarity, and its assimilation with Divine energy. As we sail on our own private ship on this great waterway, we’ll be aligning each of our chakras with the power of the temples, goddesses, and gods that embody the energy of the corresponding chakras. With each power point along the way, we’ll integrate that particular energy into our own individual chakra systems, thus becoming what we are meant to be, each in our own unique way.
Through your own soul-deep experiences, the paths that connect the ancient realms and the world of today will open, transport, and realign you with the Divine Intention of your soul’s journey throughout your many lifetimes.
Part 5: Experience the Egyptian Odyssey Through My Eyes
After our idyllic days of sailing the Nile River, we were back in Cairo for our last day in Egypt. Excited and curious about that evening’s upcoming private visit to the Great Pyramid, we enjoyed a late breakfast before we set out for our visit to the venerable, renowned Khan el-Khalili bazaar in Cairo’s historic old quarter. The bazaar, another buyer’s paradise, was originally the southern end of a palace in the 10th century. In today’s setting, it holds many wondrous objects of desire created by skilled family artisans whose workshops produce beautifully unique Egyptian crafts, jewelry, and leather goods.
While the other Odyssey-ites explored the offerings, Rina and I had tea at one of the cafes at the entrance to the bazaar. We talked about many things, including the night’s upcoming private visit to the Great Pyramid which we, as a group, would enter and climb to the King’s Chamber. I explained to Rina that I wouldn’t be making the climb (or “going up” as we called it) because my back and legs hurt and I didn’t want to be in the way if I had to turn back. I told her that I’d sit outside the pyramid with whomever else wasn’t climbing and send energy to the group as I meditated. She told me she understood and I gave her instructions on how to lead the ceremony which would begin with her playing my pre-recorded guided meditation.
After the visit to the bazaar, we returned to the hotel and prepared for the evening’s adventure which would begin with a late lunch at a private venue. While Doreene and Thomas went into the city to buy flowers for our host, the rest of us lounged around the pool, gave each other readings, caught up on our journal writing, and enjoyed being in each other’s company.
When Doreene and Thomas returned (they did a great job of picking out a bunch of beautiful flowers for our lunch host), we boarded the coach and made our way to our host’s home. Once there, we were escorted into the living room where we gave our host her flowers.
There is something so special about giving someone flowers– it’s a simple act that seems to open the hearts of the giver and the recipient in some magical, gentle way.
When the food was ready, we entered the dining room, chose our food from the bountiful buffet, and seated ourselves at the long dining table. We had difficulty focusing on our meal at first, because at one end of the dining room was a large picture window that looked out at a scene directly across the street from our host’s home– the Sphinx and the pyramids! The view and the energy were amazing! Can you imagine living across the street from two of the world’s greatest wonders and having that scene as your view as you dined!? We were in heaven!
Unable to express in words the wonder of the moment, we did what seekers and tourists have done for the last 100 years– we sought to preserve the moment by taking lots of pictures.
Standing in wonder and knowing it couldn’t get better than this, I was jostled back to the present by our host who was nudging me and insisting that I go over to the large table at the other end of the terrace. I followed her and there on the table was a cake with a lit candle on it. As I stared at the cake, unable to comprehend the moment, Casy put four greeting cards in my hand and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me! With tears in my eyes and unspeakable joy in my heart, I could only stand there and let wave after wave after wave of past and present lifetimes of love wash over and through me.
Urged to open and read the cards, I saw that everyone had written beautiful wishes and signed them with love. It was then that I learned that Casy had brought the cards to Egypt with her and had arranged the whole surprise birthday celebration! My birthday is my favorite holiday and I love making it special. I know in my soul that being surrounded by loved ones singing Happy Birthday to you as you’re on a terrace that overlooks the Sphinx and the pyramids on a beautiful balmy evening is more special than anything I’ve ever experienced. I am blessed and infinitely grateful to be the recipient of such love and caring.
Picture yourself here standing next to me in Egypt, picture yourself discovering the power, beauty, & grace of your true being as you shed lifetimes of blocks, debilitating belief systems, & negative karma…