September 2024 Tarotscope

After what seemed like forever, the planet of communication and roadways, Mercury, reversed its retrograde movement and went direct a few days ago. Since Mercury rules communication, transportation and contracts, it’s now okay to buy (or lease) big ticket items and sign contracts (after consulting with an attorney, of course). This is an excellent time to put the ideas you came up with during the retrograde into action. Being that it’s also September, it’s a great time to sort through and clear out the personal, internal mental and emotional clutter that came up for you this year as well as during the retrograde. The energy of the Universe, and therefore the planet, is moving at a higher vibration as we approach the year’s end and your old ways of processing and being no longer work. Where we are now is an idea whose time has come. It’s best to meet it with joy, courage, and willingness.


THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) New opportunities are available to you and old wounds are being healed. Step out on faith and risk making the necessary commitments and taking the actions required to manifest your deepest desires. Your foundation is solid. Build on it and it will support your dreams. Others will be encouraged by your actions and want to assist you in achieving your goals.

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20) What songs make up the soundtrack of your life? If those songs are sad, mournful tales, then you’re encouraging sad, mournful events to be attracted to you. If those songs are robust, inspiring anthems, then victory and helpful mates are traveling in your orbit. It’s really as simple as that. Always sing uplifting songs– your energy and your life will be magnates for the positive energy attracted by them.

THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20) With your ruling planet, Mercury, finally leaving it’s dreaded retrograde motion behind, energy and events will flow more easily. Ask yourself what you want and be willing to allow yourself to plan for and receive them. Yes, you might have to do a little ‘repair’ work on the damage that the whirlwind of the retrograde caused, but you’ll discover how easily you manage doing so.

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20) Words have energy and how you talk to yourself is very important. If the words, power, success, and serenity mean anything to you, lean into them because the Universe is matching your energy at this time. The Universe is providing you with the opportunity to become a Master and your real test is to promote what you want to happen with grace and trust.

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22) How you interpret the meaning of the current events in your life is very important now. Yes, there are disappointments and set-backs, but there are reasons for them. Your perspective is important and learning to be objective and not take things personally is the key. As you adjust your perspective, you’ll discover that the purpose of all of the delays is 2-fold, (1) to strengthen your faith and patience, and (2) to create a solid, long lasting and supportive foundation for you and your future endeavors.

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22) Your message is similar to the message of THE LOVERS because Mercury is also your ruling planet. Just remember to set your sights on what you want, notice who and what attempts to get in your way, as well as who and what offers help, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. As you do so, you’ll notice that your progress is more and more assured.

JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) As you assess your present situation, be honest. Though not always comfortable, the truth you acknowledge now sets the path for the next phase of your life, paving the way for great personal satisfaction and success. An opportunity for help from a new person in your life will be offered to you.

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) Avoid the lure of those familiar old, negative emotions from the past that cause you to project unnecessary ‘dramas’ onto your present-day life. Accept that the worst is over and allow the dust to settle. You’ll see that things are finally taking shape– congratulate yourself on a job well done and enjoy the moment.

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) It’s time to put your plans into action and trust that the Universe has your back. You’re in a lucky cycle and unexpected help will be offered.  Accept the help while still keeping your power and you’ll have a lot to celebrate in the coming months. As you continue on your journey, remember that a Divine Power is in control, so feel, be and express gratitude.

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) Now is the time. You are at the threshold of a time of great opportunity. The key to reaping positive results is simple– have the courage to ask for what you want and the self-confidence to put your hand out for it. Do not rely on others to tell you what you should want and have, because only you can determine what’s right for you.

THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) Circumstances are presenting you with the task of sorting through your philosophies and belief systems and choosing the ones that will serve you in your quest for a meaningful, rewarding life. Be willing to look at and accept the higher truth, even if it isn’t what you want to do. By doing so, you’ll ‘graduate’ to another level of awareness and change your destiny for the better.

THE MOON (February 20 – March 20) Breathe a sigh of relief as the Universe acknowledges you in powerful ways. You must make an important decision for your present and future well-being, and that decision has to come from your heart and nowhere else. Pay attention– this month’s Full Moon will be an important time for you.

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