May 2014 Tarotscope

thesunA bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”

Maya Angelou

“Sing your song, children.” Ray Charles

 THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20)  Take a good look at those who populate your environment. How many are truly contributing to your progress and how many are causing you unnecessary stress? If the people you’re spending time with don’t reflect your ambition and abilities, you’re probably with people who don’t or can’t appreciate you.  If that’s the case, it’s time to be true to yourself and let go of who and what no longer supports your goals. 

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20)  Your perception of yourself is being challenged now. The Universe is urging you to change the way you express yourself emotionally and mentally. Now is the time for you to acknowledge and embrace what is uniquely and wonderfully you.

THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20)  One of your great gifts is your natural sense of curiosity which leads you to great insights. Pay attention to what is revealed to you as you access life’s profound truths and please do spread the word! You’re a natural story teller and messenger and your world benefits when you share your discoveries.

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20)  This is a time of great self-awareness for you. Everything in your environment has the potential to stimulate and inspire you. Just absorb the experience and allow this process to take its own course. You’re being prepared for a great and beneficial awakening—you don’t have to do anything; just let it happen!

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22) Things are not always what they seem, especially now. No matter how you get your news—TV, Internet or gossip—please remember to consider the source. A lot of needless drama is playing out in front of you in an attempt to suck you in. Stick to what you know is true for you—you’ll not only be glad you did; you’ll also have the last laugh.

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22)  Details, details, details. Normally, you excel at handling them. Not at this time, however. You’re off ‘detail patrol’ for the next few weeks because they’re weighing you down and slowing your momentum. An important part of creation and manifestation is the initial ‘messiness’ that’s a result of all of the right components coming together in the right way at the right time. Breathe through the discomfort; you’ll love the results.

JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) Your energies are in alignment and you can learn a lot from THE EMPEROR this month.  Do take a good look at those who populate your environment and ask yourself, how many are truly contributing to your progress and how many are putting road blocks in your path? If the people you’re spending time with don’t reflect your ambition and abilities, you’re probably with people who don’t or can’t appreciate you.  If that’s the case, it’s time to be true to yourself and let go of who and what no longer supports your goals. 

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) You can be quite stubborn when you put your mind to it. Although this attribute can be a great aide sometimes, at this time in your life, it’s detrimental.    Now’s the time to note what you’re missing out on and transform that great stubbornness into flexibility.  As you do so, the Universe will open up to you and the magical aspects of your quest will reveal themselves to you.

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) A lots going on right now and your big challenge is to remain focused and avoid being distracted. Keeping a daily journal will help you stay centered and remind you of your goals. Writing will help you stay connected to your natural intuitive senses. You can always rely on that intuitive gift to make sure you’re in the right spot when Luck is handing out goodies.

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) It’s time to step back and take inventory by surrounding yourself with beauty and grace– shopping, theatre, museums, massages, pedicures. Your inner child and you have just completed an important passage in your combined lives. Let the events and effects of the past few months sink in and gently turn you so that you’re facing the gifts of the experience that are coming your way.

THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) Your perception of the world and the world’s perception of you have changed. Although you’ll find yourself wanting to hold on to what you once knew, please don’t. You’ll grow to trust your new perspective in time. To make the transition easier, schedule quality time for yourself. By so doing, you’ll align your old and new selves with more strength and clarity.

THE MOON (February 20 – March 20)  Did you know that your ruling planet, Neptune, governs the subconscious and all manner of confinement?  Of course, the other side of that coin means that Neptune also has a great deal to do with releasing one from confinement. What is the magic key that’ll open the cell door? Making the subconscious conscious by questioning your motivation for the way you think, feel and act in any given situation! The insight you gain will help you attain a new level of understanding and freedom.

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