October 2017 Tarotscope

It’s been an intense two months! The effects of the eclipses and earth changes we’ve witnessed since August have also been occurring within us. The personal shifts are beginning to show the results of that intense “testing” time. We’re new in ways we have yet to discover. From now until the end of the year, give yourself permission to reflect on your journey and contemplate all that possibly lies ahead.

Again, I state: 2017 will bring big changes, many fraught with turbulence and previously unthinkable occurrences and events. We must all remember that each of us is capable of doing potentially mysterious, empowering deeds and of displaying courage, integrity and heart so vital and vibrant to the continuation of all that we hold dear– and then, we must do them.

It’s your gift, your right and your responsibility to let the magical significance of your journey delight, define and inspire you. Envision without fear, ask for what you want, listen carefully to God, take the actions necessary to make it happen, and experience the results with love, joy and gratitude.


“Prejudice is an emotional commitment to ignorance.” Nathan Rutstein


“What we allow will continue. What continues will escalate.” Katherine Fugate


Now, more than ever, this quote must speak to us and for us:

 “Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities— always see them, for they’re always there.”  Norman Vincent Peale

THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) What’s in the way of manifesting your dreams? Could the block come from an outmoded mindset that interferes with your progress and makes you feel undeserving of success? To clear your path, change your perspective. By doing so, you will change your direction and your destiny. Be willing to seek help via counseling on your quest to leave the limitations of the past behind you.

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20) It’s time to move beyond your comfort zone and throw caution to the wind! The Universe is supporting you and making it possible for you to move onward and upward. Take courage in hand and toot your own horn. Let people know that you’re the “lucky break” they’ve been looking for.

 THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20) It’s time to embrace the energies of patience and faith. You may find it’s difficult to do so, but that’s the only choice you have if you want things to work out for you. By embracing patience and faith, you’ll create a balanced foundation that’ll support the success of your hopes, wishes, and dreams.

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20) A great shift is taking place in your life. Surrender to the flow and allow it to transport you to a more empowered place. The Serenity Prayer is your mantra during this transition– “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22). “Keep your cards close to your vest,” is an old gambler’s adage.  Now is the time for you to keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself. Your circle of friends is changing and some of the people you’re dealing with won’t always be as close or loyal to you as they are now. In a few weeks, you will receive some much-needed information that will help you embrace your very bright future.

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22) Are you having trouble making up your mind? Making decisions isn’t always been easy, but now you have help from the Universe. Listen with all of your senses, keep both feet on the ground and step out on faith. Then, follow the Beatles advice and “let it be.” Be patient and the answers will easily come to you in the most unexpected ways.

JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) Trying to please everyone, especially at the expense of pleasing yourself, is a waste of energy and opportunities. It’s time to break free of this negative pattern and learn to embrace your truth. From now until the end of the year, you’ll be presented with a vast array of options that resonate with your heart and soul.

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) The planet of luck, blessings and expansion has just entered your sign. During this very lucky period, your magnetism is at an all-time high. You’re likely to get whatever you wish for, so make sure your wishes are positive ones. People will be charmed by you and want to be around you. Please remember during these heady times to be discerning as you choose your companions.

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) The efforts of the last few months are beginning to pay off. Remember to read the “fine print” and take care of the details as you carefully listen to and follow your intuition. Influential people will offer to help, but your own ability to discern is your best ally.

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) You’ve come through a testing time and your perspective has changed for the better. It’s time to reevaluate yourself and your goals before you make any decisions or take any actions. As you become clearer about your new direction and the opportunities these different viewpoints offer you, you’ll easily attract the assistance needed to help you manifest your goals.

THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) It’s time to seek the advice of a powerful expert who can help you. Choose that person carefully, listen to their advice and combine it with your intuition as you graduate to a higher level of living. Please remember that, even when things appear to be at a standstill, they’re moving forward and they’re right on time. “Divine Order” is your guiding phrase at this time.

THE MOON (February 20 – March 20) It’s time to believe in yourself. Seek personal satisfaction, not other’s approval as you move forward with the assurance that all is going well for you. Continue putting one foot in front of the other, and you’ll see that your trust in yourself is well placed.

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