March 2015 Tarotscope

thesunJust a few more weeks and it’ll be Spring! Let’s use these last few days of forced hibernation to go over our goals for the remainder of the year. And then, as the month draws to a close, let’s give it all we’ve got and go for it!

THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) This is a perfect time to put your natural gifts of charm and persuasion to profitable use. You’ll find that people from all walks of life are ready and willing to help you manifest your vision. All you have to do is ask. Not only will you get much needed assistance; you’ll also learn one of life’s more important lessons– it’s OK (and often necessary) to ask for help. Do remember to use this powerful gift with gratitude, responsibility and respect.

THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20)Your sign is usually depicted in the cards as pregnant–  not with child, but with great potential. This is a very prolific time for you and you can accomplish a lot by prioritizing your tasks and then methodically completing them. The stress of the past few months is dissipating and life is becoming a rewarding adventure again. Plan well and go with the flow.

THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20)Your intuitive abilities are naturally in sync with your intellectual capabilities at this time. Be careful how you use this combined gift and the awareness that comes to you because of it. Tact and diplomacy are the most beneficial ways to express yourself. The information is just as important to your situation as is the manner in which you relate it to those around you.

THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20)You’re very impressionable right now. If you’re trying to learn a new skill like ballroom dancing– this is a good thing; if you’re trying to figure out what is really important to you– the advice of others may not be as helpful as you’d like. You’re aware of so much more than you consciously know, so it’s best to go within– meditate, journal, contemplate– and pay attention to the signs that present themselves to you as you listen to your own inner voice.

THE SUN (July 21 – August 22) Unresolved issues from your past will come back and it’s to your advantage to face them and resolve them now. Life can be a whole lot sunnier for you if you’re not operating under the weight of old baggage. Just remember to tap into that natural courage of yours as you unburden yourself.

THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22)  Your assignment this month is to relax. What must be done, will be done, but without the angst and unnecessary heaviness you’re accustomed to operating with. Please remember that your new theme song is Pharrell Williams’, “Happy.” The most important task at hand is to memorize the lyrics and break out into song whenever the mood strikes you.

JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) Most of the time, you’re told to choose one side or the other. Not this time, though. The best way to get and maintain balance is by staying neutral. All of the facts aren’t in yet and instead of joining the others and jumping to conclusions, calmly stand in the center of the situation. Your ‘grace under pressure’ will be noticed and rewarded.

THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) Whew! The planet that governs lessons, discipline and rewards just left your sign. I’ll bet you’re glad that visit is over. It’s OK to get up and ‘walk around the cabin’ again. You’ve changed in a profound way and it’s time for you to discover the ‘new’ you. Go on an adventure and give yourself permission to indulge in your favorite pastime or passion.

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) Well– the planet that governs lessons, discipline and rewards has recently entered your sign. During this time, the Universe will insist that you learn what your true value is, that you experience the meanings of boundaries and freedom based on your new found revelations and that you relinquish your hold on any belief system that is not correct for you. Although this all sounds a bit daunting, it’s actually a great time to establish and enrich yourself physically and spiritually. Pay keen attention to your intuition, it will always guide you well.

THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) You are finally ‘getting’ how powerful your thoughts and words are. Others have long been aware of your ‘magic’ and its effectiveness. Remember, as you think ‘it’ and say ‘it’, you will experience in real time that your energy gives form to your thoughts and words. It’s an excellent time to follow the advice of the great philosopher, Goethe— “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”

STAR (January 20 – February 19) Yes, you do see life differently and you do march to the beat of a different drummer. That is your gift! Live it, enjoy it! Be true to yourself. Remember– “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind.”

THE MOON (February 20 – March 20)With your ruling planet, Neptune, in the sign that it governs, it’s time to build foundations under those beautiful castles that you’ve built in the clouds. Helpful people are waiting in the wings to help you produce your greatest production. Invite them to share in promoting you and your vision for a more wonderful future. Praise them for their help and just as importantly, praise yourself for acknowledging your gift and allowing it to flourish.

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