
temperenceTo paraphrase an old saying, “Why put off ‘til tomorrow what you can do today?”

I wish I knew, but I can’t answer that question, especially when it’s me whose participating in one of humankinds oldest pursuits—procrastination.  We all do it.  The more aware of us know better.  That certain feeling or inner voice that tries to intuitively nudge us into keeping our promise to do something that we know must, for whatever reason, be done.

I’m a very focused person and when I commit to getting something done, I don’t let anything get in the way of keeping that commitment.  But every once in a while, I ‘attend’ a meeting of that illusive organization called, The Procrastination Society.  (I think I’ve seen some of you there, too.)  Their motto, which is the backwards or reverse version of the wonderful old adage at the beginning of this post—“Why do today what you can put off ‘til tomorrow”—sometimes is such an alluring siren’s call.  When I find myself being drawn in by that call, I try to remind myself to grapple with it by turning my attention to something I wrote about the subject in my latest book, The Spiritual Hedonist.  Reading it helps me become mindful of the sub and unconscious energies that work for and against me when I want or need to work at honoring my commitments.

I’m including that excerpt from the book here for you (and for me).  It’s titled, On Procrastination ~

Procrastination is another word for self-denial.  By avoiding or resisting beginning (or in some cases, completing) the steps to finish a project, you deny yourself the knowledge, experience and proof that you’re a winner; that you can make your dreams come true.

When you say to yourself, “I’m too tired when I get home,” or “I have so much on my plate, I can’t make room for that now,” or any variation of my personal favorite—“I’ll do it tomorrow, or after the sports season, or after my favorite TV show or ___________________ (you fill in the blank),” you’re really saying, “I don’t believe in myself or my dream enough to put any effort into it.  Sure, I want it, but can’t it just magically appear?” 

It would be great if your dream could just magically appear, but it won’t.  Making your dream come true requires a kind of discipline that demands that you focus your desire, attention and energy on taking and completing the steps that will bring you to the successful completion of your goal.

You’re never too tired when you’re inspired.  You don’t always begin each session or task inspired, though.  Sometimes you have to “fake it ‘til you make it.”  Start working on the task at hand and you’ll discover that you’ve gotten so involved in it and so inspired by what you’re doing that you’ve completely forgotten about being tired or missing that game or TV show. 

If you’ve got too much on your plate, it’s time to take an honest look at what you’re committing your time and energy to.  Do you have an hour or 30 minutes or even 15 minutes a day to focus on your goal?  Then, commit that time on a constant basis, however much it is, to working on some aspect of the successful outcome of your dream.  After a while, you’ll find that more time and energy will become available to you.  It’ll just happen.  But first, you do have to commit the time and take the right steps. ~

The Spiritual Hedonist is a step-by-step guide for making your dreams, hopes and wishes come true.  Unlike the cookie cutter guides that just walk you through the mundane steps, The Spiritual Hedonist guides the reader through each step of the process of creation-manifestation and helps them identify and master the emotional, mental, physical and psychological aspects of creative development.

To purchase The Spiritual Hedonist, just click on the Store tab on the navigation bar at the top of this page and you’ll be directed to the Store page.