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January 2025 Tarotscope

Happy New Year!

2025 adds up to a “9” Universal year number. It’s the end of a 9-year cycle that began in 2017. “9” is the number of culmination and is the third stage of completion. It’s a year of tying up loose ends, finishing projects, and internal as well as external growth processes, often begun during the first eight years of the cycle. This year carries the energy of preparing the way for a new cycle that will begin the following year– 2026, which will be a “1” Universal year.

“9” years are always beneficial although they can be stressful. Most people approach a “9” year thusly– you have a school project due and you don’t start working on it until the night before it’s to be turned in. To avoid all of the stress, begin sifting and sorting now through old, no longer useful items, emotions, belief systems, and relationships. If it doesn’t have current personal value to you, you need to let it go. You’ll find that you’re not losing anything– you’re making room for all of the new that’s coming your way.

Your message this month comes in the form of a quote or affirmation that will help you anticipate plan for the tasks and experiences of this coming year.

Our theme song for the year is “Let It Go” from the film, “Frozen.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr57W6R1qVE



“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Ann Angel


“The weak give up and stay; the strong give up and move on.” Hall & Oates


“I love you, my sister and brother, whoever you are– whether you worship in your church, kneel in your temple, or pray in your mosque. You and I are all children of one faith, for the diverse paths of religion are fingers of the loving hand of one Supreme Being, a hand extended to all, offering completeness of spirit to all, eager to receive all.” Khalil Gibran


THE EMPEROR (March 21 – April 20) “You fix what you can fix, and you let the rest go. You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.” Mandy Hale & Cormac McCarthy


THE EMPRESS (April 21 – May 20) “When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  Alexander Graham Bell


THE LOVERS (May 21 – June 20) “Once you make the decision to move on, don’t look back. Your destiny will never be found in the rear view mirror.” Mandy Hale


THE CHARIOT (June 21 – July 20) “You can’t possibly embrace that new relationship, that new career, that new friendship, or that new life you want, while you’re still holding on to the baggage of the last one. Let go… and allow yourself to embrace what is waiting for you right at your feet.” Steve Maraboli


 THE SUN (July 21 – August 22) “Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open.” Ralph Marston


THE HERMIT (August 23 – September 22) “Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace paradox rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.” Tony Schwartz


JUSTICE (September 23 – October 22) “You’ve got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old – whatever “the old” means for you.” Sarah Ban Breathnach


THE MAGICIAN (October 23 – November 21) “Letting go may sound so simple, but rarely is it a one-time thing. Just keep letting go, until one day it’s gone for good.” Eleanor Brownn


THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (November 22 – December 21) “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” Thich Nhat Hanh


THE WORLD (December 22 – January 19) “The decision to let go of that which has completed its course in your experience is even more important than the decision to welcome new ideas. You cannot walk forward by looking backward. You intuitively know what should depart from your life.” Raymond Charles Barker


 THE STAR (January 20 – February 19) “Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Stop turning on your emotional television to watch the same program over and over again, the one that shows how much you suffered from a certain loss: that is only poisoning you, nothing else.” Paulo Coelho


THE MOON (February 20 – March 20) “You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” Louise Smith


Sedona & Monument Valley Odyssey

“Courthouse Butte Sedona Arizona” Public Domain image by
Ken Thomas

Only 3 spaces remaining!

Sedona & Monument Valley Odyssey

(Odyssey– a spiritual quest of self-discovery; a journey home)

“…and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time.”

A Powerful Demonstration…
October 2-7, 2016

b74a9b14-2abe-4627-b0ef-9ab5ed15439dThe intent of our magical, sacred Odyssey is to align with and immerse ourselves in the energy and magic of the area’s most powerful vortexes, thus activating the natural forces that will impel our deepest dreams to come true.

Our Sedona, Arizona and Monument Valley Odyssey is the perfect real-time reminder that there is still accessible magic and wonder in the world.

It’s easy to see why Sedona, with its combination of breathtakingly beautiful red rock formations, national forest land and powerful energy vortexes is regarded by Native Americans as sacred. Just being there will engage your soul and re-new your spirit.

And the majestic beauty and spiritual energy of the Navajo tribe’s sacred Monument Valley will heal and open your heart in ways that mere words can’t describe. It’s a heart-centered land and the people and terrain reflect the ethereal beauty and perfection of what is surely one of Divine Creation’s greatest gifts to us.

Lots of Joy,

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Day 1, Part 1 – Scottish Odyssey 2015 Through My Eyes

sheilaa-juneAs promised, here is Day 1 of A Scottish Odyssey through My Eyes, Part 1.

Every few days, I’ll post another day’s experience with photos.

Once again I am happy to be able to say that I am beyond measure thankful to all of the people who joined me on what has been (and continues to be) a major transformational event in our lives. And I’m so thankful to all of you who are fellow travelers on the path of Spiritual evolution

Lots of Love & Joy,

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November 2015 Newsletter

Preparing for the Hibernation Phase…

sheilaa-July-15By now, in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, it’s obvious that we have entered into a very pronounced climatic, emotional and biological phase. For you lucky Southern hemisphere dwellers, that phase is called late Spring, which portends a verdant, luscious, warm Summer season. For us in the Northern hemisphere, there’s no denying it– this phase is called late Fall, which is wasting no time in ushering in all of the characteristics of a barren, cold, often bleak Winter.

Upon closer reflection, though, late Fall and Winter offer much more than that. It’s a very fertile time and great for nurturing old and new life as evidenced by the beauty of the flowering Spring bulbs that were planted the previous Fall. In addition to the obvious physical beauty of the daffodils, tulips and irises that grow as a result of their Winter ‘hibernation,’ bears, bats and bees also go within and allow nature to care for them as they re-source themselves in preparation for the vibrant verdancy of Spring.

In the Winter, we humans also go into an inner, more reflective phase. Though we don’t curl up in a cave or underground warren, our systems slow down and demand that we take the time to be mindful of and attend to ourselves in more gentle, nurturing ways.

As the temperature continues to drop and you prepare your den for a cozy, reflective season, make sure that you look back at your year and assess the beauty/bounty of your Spring and Summer efforts. Did the results of last years ‘bulbs’ (hopes, wishes, reflections, determinations) bud and bloom the way you’d hoped? What do you need to do to nurture them this Winter so that next Spring’s garden is a beautiful and satisfying reflection of yourself? The answers to these questions are within you. Prepare yourself for and participate in Winter’s life enriching process and like cream, they’ll effortlessly rise to the top.

P.S. I recently returned from Scotland where I lead 20 people on another of my transformational spiritual Odysseys. This year’s Odyssey to Scotland was even more magical and amazing than last year’s! Just like last year, in a few weeks, you can ‘travel’ with me as I re-count my experience of the journey via my posts, ‘A Scottish Odyssey through My Eyes.’

Lots of Love & Joy,

September 2015 Newsletter

sheilaa-smHere is Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit…

Ahh, Mercury retrograde– again! Yes, it’s back (which is the nature of any retrograde– they return). From September 17th to October 9th, we’ll be dealing with it, or rather– it’ll be dealing with us! This time it’s in the sign Libra, the sign of balance, beauty, justice, relationships, decisiveness and wishy-washy thought processes.

The best way to navigate this tricky territory is to adopt Bobby McFerrin’s theme song as your own– “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and remember Scottish poet Robbie Burns prophetic words, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley (“The best-laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry”).

Rest assured, things will go wrong, plans will be delayed, schedules will be changed. As daunting as it sounds, however, you don’t have to be at the mercy of these uncontrollable events.

The rules for surviving a Mercury retrograde are a lot like those for surviving a riptide current:

  1. Keep your feet on the bottom as much as possible; in other words stay grounded!
  2. Remain calm.
  3. Regain your footing by methodically dealing with whatever issues arise.
  4. Ask for help; another perspective will often give you the encouragement you need to successfully move through any difficulties.
  5. Swim parallel to shore– don’t go off on a tangent and let the confusion of the moment distract you from what is essential to keep in mind.
  6. Swim toward the shore once you escape the current. Once the confusion of the moment passes, carefully re-direct your energy so that you achieve your desired outcome.

If you remember these rules, you’ll not only survive, you’ll get the benefit of Mercury retrograde– yes, it does have benefits! This is an excellent time for introspection, research and going on retreats, as those things that are usually hidden from view, show themselves more easily during a Mercury retrograde period. When Mercury is retrograde, the communication and thought process qualities it rules are up for review. Some of what (or who) comes up for us or back to us is timely and needs to be honored by our attention; the rest of those old memories, stories and relationships are negative, harmful and/or no longer true for us and, therefore, need to be released and tossed out!

And always, if you can, hold off on buying (or leasing) any big ticket items. It’s also a good idea to triple check any and all plans you make. Wait until Mercury goes direct before making any big decisions.

Lots of Love & Joy,

July 2015 Newsletter

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want– and if they don’t find them– they make them.”
– George Bernard Shaw

sheilaa-July-15Admit it– you’d love to go. You see and feel yourself standing in the Highlands, taking it all in. It feels so right! And then, the left brain throws water on your passion and puts the fire out with what it calls ‘good reasons’– “There’s no way because ___________ ” (you fill in the blank with one of your old familiar limitations) and “This isn’t a good time; I’ll go next year, though.” (Did you ever notice how ‘next year’ never happens?) Read more

June 2015 Newsletter

“A relationship doesn’t begin until it ends.”

sheilaa-juneWhat!? When I first heard this quote by a very wise man, it didn’t make sense to me– how can a relationship begin when it ends? It took me a few years to realize what he meant.

When we first enter into relationship with anyone– platonic, personal or professional– our unconscious emotions, ideals and needs determine whether or not the relationship can be beneficial to us. In a way, we make our choices through the veil of our feelings and desires. When the relationship becomes broken and ends for whatever reason, our rose-colored glasses are broken, too. Read more

May 2015 Newsletter

“In the end, what we truly regret are the places we didn’t visit, the friendships we didn’t nurture, the chances we didn’t take.” -Wisdom Keepers

Dear Visitor,

Mercury Retrograde . . .

e7fc475f-8357-414a-a2dc-4c77e899371eThe planet of communication, logic, roadways and best-laid plans, Mercury, will be going retrograde on Monday, May 18th at 8:49pm EDT. It’ll be retrograde until Thursday, June 11@ 5:33pm EDT. I’m being so exact with the date and time because I want all of the lead time I can get and I’m sure you want the same.

Lead time? Yes, lead time to not only begin but put the finishing touches on those ideas and projects that have to be completed without too much of a hitch; lead time to book those theatre, plane and concert tickets you’ve been meaning to book; lead time to get your ducks in a row before the energetic hail storm of Mercury retrograde in its own sign, Gemini, descends from the heavens.

Although it has a tendency to delay or obstruct our processes, it’s important to remember that Mercury retrograde doesn’t permanently impede our progress. It also provides us with lots of opportunities to examine and re-examine our motives, actions and lives. The ‘re’ in retrograde points to a positive way to use any retrograde period, such as research, renew, go on a retreat. It’s a great time for introspection and investigation, too, as those things that are usually hidden from view, show themselves more easily during a Mercury Retrograde period.

I’ve successfully initiated several big projects, leased a few cars, gotten a couple of jobs and taken some great vacations while Mercury did its infamous backwards dance. The keys to my successfully avoiding the problems others had to deal with were attention to detail and tenacity. Knowing that Mercury is at its most capricious during a retrograde period, I always triple check every detail and make extra effort to insure that the information I have is up to the minute accurate.

This upcoming retrograde will be especially interesting because Mercury is in its own sign, Gemini, during the retrograde period and will be moving very slowly– going back over things that need a more thorough look. Rather than rely on your intellect, trust and use your intuition as you carefully navigate your chosen terrain and you’ll come out of this particular retrograde with a deeper and more powerful sense of yourself and your world.

Lots of Joy,

About Choices, Regrets and the link to a great article

I found this article recently and it couldn’t be more apropos!
The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things!
Wow– spirituality and science in agreement!

Some people have responded when they read about or heard of my upcoming Scottish Odyssey, “I’d really love to but I’m afraid I can’t spend money for that right now. I’m saving for _________.” (You fill in the blank.)

7fa23f43-85b5-4d77-89e0-58d3754a16d0I’m for responsible use of my resources, too, but whenever I hear that, I wonder how and why they’ve come to believe that investing in the joy of their heart and Spirit, and the growth of their soul is an act of irresponsibility? Life has taught me that if the Universe has given a person the ability to recognize something the soul wants, it will also give that person the means to obtain it, as well as the means to re-fill their coffers when they do.

The value of the adventures we allow ourselves is priceless and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Research has shown that at the end of our lives, we regret what we didn’t do much more than we regret what we did do and of those regrets, #1 is not traveling to new places when you had the opportunity to. Happiness is a choice. I invite you to step beyond the limits of impossibility thinking and discover that the Universe does and will support you in the most magical and abundant ways!

Odyssey Registration Deadline Extended to July 15th!

2015-Scottish-Odyssey“You have found a home…”

“Hiraeth… a homesickness, a nostalgia, a yearning for the lost places of my past.
It beckons and, at long last, I follow…”

October 10-19, 2015

April 2015 Newsletter

sheilaa-apr-2015Happy Spring!

Soon, I’ll be off to attend the Readers Studio, the largest and best Tarot conference in the world. I hope this lovely Spring weather inspires you to get out and mingle with members of your particular ‘tribe,’ too. And I hope the wondrous possibilities that accompany this very fertile season inspire you to participate in the upcoming Scottish Highlands & Islands Odyssey, October 1-19, 2015.

Here you will find all of the details for the 2015 Odyssey, and if you find yourself needing more inspiration, just click HERE to read about one of the amazing days from the past 2014 Scottish Highlands & Island Odyssey.

Lots of Joy,

Day 8 – A Scottish Odyssey Through My Eyes

“What the heart has once owned, it shall never lose.”
– Henry Ward Beecher

8d21a047-ae7c-4496-84d8-feca4b144a8dIf you are in receipt of my previous newsletters,, you know that I’m back from leading my Scottish Highlands & Islands Odyssey and my fellow ‘Odyssey-ites’ (sixteen) and I had the most wonderfilled, magical, transformative time, ever!

Whenever I talk about the experience, people respond with a deep sigh and say, “I wish I could have been there.”

55f83d1d-f19e-4f61-b400-af2dc3fdea3aTherefore, I decided to share my day-to-day Odyssey experiences with you through a series of newsletters. Every few days, I’ll post an account with photos of our amazing adventure.

Please click on the link below to visit my website if you would like to view any content that you may have missed, and please feel free to email me any questions or comments.

Lots of Joy,

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